Yes, It’s Worth Learning Spanish

This morning I walked to one of my favorite breakfast places and then continued doing some shopping in what one would call “a dumpy part of town”. For those who know Guatemala City, it was in Zona 6. It’ not a “gang” part of town, just more like a place where you will see cars half taken apart on the street.

As I came around a corner there were three men and a woman just “hanging out”. They looked to be in their 30s. One of the men said “¿Puede regalar un poquito de barba?” (Can you give me a little bit of beard?) It was a way of suggesting he liked my beard. There was nothing hostile — it was just an OK greeting.

At this point, if I didn’t know Spanish I probably would said nothing and, well, started to get a little uncomfortable. But, I do know Spanish and I do have a sense of humor. So, I responded with “No. Lo necesito para navidad.” (No. I need it for Christmas.) They got it. They laughed. One said “Adios Santa Claus.” (Bye, Santa Claus.) End result: Four smiling people.

This is but a trivial example of how speaking the local language can improve your quality of life and even that of others. It is also a good example of how you can practice your Spanish. These people didn’t seem to have anything important to be doing. If not some people on a street corner, it could be people in a park. In general, if you show interest in learning Spanish, they will take some time to walk with you.

Quite a few times I have had this go the other way. I have had people ask me if I speak English. (Let’s see, light skin, taller than most locals, maybe even a T-shirt in English that might not have come from a thrift store.) Many of these people lived in the US for a while, learned some English and want to practice. It can be a great chance for both of you to practice your “Spanglish” together.

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