Berkey Water Filters

In Escape to the Tropics I mention that I have used a Berkey water filter for many years. I actually have three of them and have always been pleased with them. Starting a couple of years ago the Berkey brand black filters became harder to find.

Well, there is a story about this. Basically, the US government Environmental Protection Agency Amazing as it may seem, Berkey was found to be in violation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Yes, a law that regulates pesticides. Yeah, I know that sounds strange. This article explains why.

Before you give up on Berkey filters, there are two alternatives:

  • Buy Boroux filters. These are the same formulation as the Berkey filters but make different claims to avoid being classified as a pesticide.
  • Buy any of a number of “imitation” Berkey filters.

Yes, it’s a strange story but I am a fan of having a decent water filter rather than buying bottled water of just “taking a chance”. So, now you know.